Everybody has goals and dreams. These dreams are at the center of who you really are. It is the core essence of who you are as a person, and the very purpose of your BEING. What you are dreaming of accomplishing in your life is God’s way of getting you involved in his Master Plan. You were gifted with a set of dreams and talents, in the hope that you would act out these passions, follow your dreams and thusly move forward in life.

It’s really a great pity that we’ve been told already since early childhood that we should stop dreaming and start “living.” What a mistake! Living IS dreaming! This is exactly why we are here: to pursue our dreams! Not for selfish reasons, but for the sake of everybody. By following MY dreams, I am becoming a better person, a happy person, shining brightly like a sun, lightening up the lives of those around me. If I decide to forget about my dreams, then I will become like a plant without water or sunlight, leaves hanging down, begging for water and looking rather miserable. Am I of any help to myself or to the world when I abandon my dreams? Untuk bacaan selanjutnya klik di sini...

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