List of Books for Accelerated Learning

DePorter/Hernacki: Quantum Learning
Discover many tips on more effective learning from the founder of SuperCamp.

Dryden/Vos: The Learning Revolution
A book that helped spread the word of how AL techniques can revolutionize learner success.

G.Heidenhain (Editor) : Learning Beyond Boundaries
Fun-damental experiences using Accelerated Learning. An IAL Publication.

Ch. LeHecka : Historical Review of Accelerated Learning Research:
A Monograph
An overview of AL and research. An IAL Publication.

D.Meier: The Accelerated Learning Handbook
A great resource with many concrete examples of how corporations are using AL in training to great success.

C.Rose: AL for the 21st Century
Some good ideas to improve learner success from Rose’s version of AL practice.

L.Russell: The Accelerated Learning Fieldbook
An overview of AL principles from a variety of sources

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