Mahasiswa perlu budaya ilmu

Institusi universiti pada era ini dikatakan oleh ramai sarjana hanya akan berjaya menjadi tersohor bila empat komponen utama di dalamnya bergerak bersama ke arah satu misi.

Pertama, komponen kepimpinan tertinggi universiti yang mantap perancangan dan misinya. Kedua, komponen tenaga akademik yang hebat ilmu kepakarannya sama ada di dalam pengajaran, penyelidikan dan penulisan berkualiti. Ketiga, komponen tenaga pentadbiran yang cekap dan efisien serta keempat, komponen kemahasiswaan yang berketrampilan tinggi.

Jika salah satu komponen tersebut tidak berfungsi dengan baik maka sesebuah universiti itu akan ketinggalan. Malah kekuatan keempat-empat komponen ini akan menentukan sejauh manakah pemain industri berminat untuk bekerjasama dengan pihak universiti. Lebih 10 tahun lalu, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad pernah merasmikan Hari Kerjaya UKM. Keesokan harinya media massa perdana negara memetik ucapan "peringatan" beliau supaya universiti di negara ini jangan jadi "dinosaur".

Beberapa hari selepas itu bertambah riuh apabila media memanjangkan lagi isu dinosaur dengan cerita ungkapan "profesor kangkung" ditujukan kepada ilmuwan di universiti. Mereka ini mencapai tahap tertinggi kepakarannya tetapi tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengaplikasikan kepakarannya di dalam konteks menyelesaikan permasalahan dan memenuhi keperluan masyarakat semasa.

Antara lain dikatakan kualiti sesetengah para tenaga akademik tempatan bertaraf profesor ketika itu yang masih terkebelakang ilmunya berbanding rakan-rakan setaraf mereka di luar negara khususnya negara maju. 
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Jangan kecewa gagal ke asrama penuh

Ibu bapa tidak harus kecewa dengan kegagalan anak mereka ke sekolah berasrama penuh (SBP) kerana masa depan untuk berjaya dalam akademik masih terbuka luas jika disiplin ketat pembelajaran di rumah dipraktikkan.

Naib Canselor Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Prof. Datuk Dr. Aminah Ayob berkata, para pelajar cemerlang Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) dan Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) yang gagal mendapat tawaran harus menganggap ia satu hikmah dan cabaran untuk terus bersaing.
Malah, kata beliau, pelajar harus akur bahawa keperluan tempat untuk ke SBP sebenarnya adalah untuk diisi khususnya oleh pelajar daripada keluarga kurang berkemampuan. 
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Everybody has goals and dreams. These dreams are at the center of who you really are. It is the core essence of who you are as a person, and the very purpose of your BEING. What you are dreaming of accomplishing in your life is God’s way of getting you involved in his Master Plan. You were gifted with a set of dreams and talents, in the hope that you would act out these passions, follow your dreams and thusly move forward in life.

It’s really a great pity that we’ve been told already since early childhood that we should stop dreaming and start “living.” What a mistake! Living IS dreaming! This is exactly why we are here: to pursue our dreams! Not for selfish reasons, but for the sake of everybody. By following MY dreams, I am becoming a better person, a happy person, shining brightly like a sun, lightening up the lives of those around me. If I decide to forget about my dreams, then I will become like a plant without water or sunlight, leaves hanging down, begging for water and looking rather miserable. Am I of any help to myself or to the world when I abandon my dreams? Untuk bacaan selanjutnya klik di sini...



Deciding what to do with your life isn’t remotely easy. Most people never make this decision at all. But since we all end up doing something, if we don’t make this decision consciously, then a decision will still be made, but it will be an unconscious one. Untuk bacaan selanjutnya klik di sini...


To Know And To Find Our Purpose In Life.

Top 7 Questions To Ask To Find Purpose In Your Life.

Do you know what your purpose in life is? Do you want to find out?

Most people are guided by that mysterious thing in our lives called "purpose." If things are going well, it's because it's supposed to be that way. If things are not going well, it's because it's a lesson we are supposed to learn, one that will get us closer to our purpose someday. We all want a purpose, yet it seems like this all-important unobtainable thing. Yet, how can we find it?
First, accept that it may be time to find your purpose in life. It may take trial and error before you get it right. Mistakes are a great way to uncover your purpose because you have the opportunity to find out what you like and don't like. After many "don't likes" and "why do I keep doing the same things over an over again" comes a time of personal freedom and peace. Once you get what's not working out of the way, you can make room for the good stuff.
Second, believe that you will know when you find it. How will you know? You will feel it in the pit of your stomach. It's something that feels so right that you can't imagine doing anything else. And, you will feel "high" when you're doing it. This "high" feeling may feel a bit strange, and it may even frighten you. Don't be afraid, it's your higher power talking to you, letting you know that you are doing the right thing.
Lastly, you know you've found your purpose in life when it doesn't revolve around you. It's not the bigger house or the shiny new car that will make you happy. These are just goals, but they are not a substitute for your purpose in life. Your purpose in life will bring you happiness and true happiness comes from contributing to other people's lives and making a difference for someone else. We were put on this earth to help others, and that is the greatest gift of all!
So, how do you create your purpose? Follow these easy steps:
  1. Ask Yourself "Who Am I?"
    What kind of person are you? What's been true of you since you were younger? Write down all the attributes that you can think of that are truly you. List the things you naturally have learned and developed over the years. You probably take these things for granted, not recognizing them for the special, significant and unique gifts they actually are.
  2. Ask Yourself "What Do I Love To Do?"
    What do you absolutely, truly enjoy doing in your professional life? In your personal life? For each answer, consider the gifts that have helped make them possible. Your purpose will involve doing something that you love.
  3. Ask Yourself "What Experiences In Life Were Really Fulfilling For Me?"
    Look for the times in your life that were fulfilling for you. These were times when you were just being yourself. Consider, What was it like for me while I was going through it? What was I feeling? What was important, special or meaningful for me? These answers hold the key to what you should be doing with your life.
  4. Ask Yourself "What Is My Purpose In Life?"
    Once your purpose becomes clearer, create a purpose statement. A purpose statement contains an action, a focus, and an intended impact. Once you write it down, you have a road map to follow.
  5. Ask Yourself "What Am I Afraid Of?"
    Once you know what your purpose in life is, what will keep you from living it? Fear is the number one thing that stops people from being who they were meant to be. Do you want to be fulfilled? Then feel the fear, and do it anyway.
  6. Ask Yourself "Who Can I Tell?"
    Speaking your purpose will bring it into reality; and once you tell people, it becomes real. Plus, you'll have the support of those around you who want to encourage you to be who you really are.
  7. Ask Yourself "How Do I Put My Purpose In Place?"
    Your life is moving forward whether you are working towards your purpose or not. So, wouldn't it be better to take one action each day that will get you closer to who you were meant to be? It could be as simple as making a phone call, sending an email, or doing some research on the Internet. Your purpose will be realized one step at a time until one day you find that you are living it.

    And what if you've done all this work and it hasn't come to you yet? It will. We were all put here for a reason. And, if you are determined to find your purpose, it will come your way. When something that strong is in your heart, it's only a matter of time before you discover what it is. The answer is out there; it's just a matter of finding the right question.



If the answer is no, then ask yourself “why not”? Life is short, and you never know when it will come to an end. Do you really want to say that you lived a life of unfulfilled dreams?

But “hold it!” you say. “I’m waiting for the perfect time” or “I’m waiting for the perfect situation”. All this waiting is an excuse not to go out and try. Or, maybe it’s not that you are “waiting” per se, but rather that you are afraid. Untuk bacaan selanjutnya klik di sini...



What is success? As author and speaker Earl Nightingale said, success is the steady progression toward a worthy ideal. Success is the ability to love, enjoy your work, and have fun in your life. Success is making a difference, a positive difference. Success is making the world a little bit better because you existed. And success begins with purpose.

The problem with most people today is that they do not have any purpose in their life. This lack of purpose is something most people experience at some point in their life. People will set goals and make plans to achieve them and they will work hard to gain the love and respect of others, but something is still missing. They feel as if life is passing them by. They may be accomplishing many things, but they’re not enjoying themselves, because they lack purpose. Untuk bacaan selanjutnya klik di sini...



The question is about finding your purpose. It's about finding what you love to do the most, living with passion, searching for what gives your life meaning. It's about being in tune with who you really are and living a life of purpose. Having a purpose in your life is almost like a spiritual experience. Together we find the The Meaning of Life, and answer to the one question we all need an answer for: what should we do with our lives?

Until you discover the purpose of your life, you are living a life of mediocrity. Rise and be great, do the great things you were meant to do. Look deep inside you, realize what is your lifes purpose and your meaning of life.
And when you do find purpose, you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be. The world you live in will never be the same and the opportunities life throws at you will be abundant. The Meaning of Life will be clear.

Explore yourself and discover your purpose of life. Live your passion.


TUSYEN: Membazirkan Masa, Tenaga dan RM ?

Ya! memang benar saya dengan tegas ingin menyatakan bahawa menghadiri kelas tusyen membazirkan masa, tenaga dan wang. Itu pendapat saya. Itu pilihan saya. Dan saya telah buktikan. Sudah tentu pandangan saya tidak muktamat. Ada pro dan kontra mengenai perkara ini.

Hujah saya cukup mudah, setiap kali keputusan peperiksaan samada PMR atau SPM kita dapati surat khabar melaporkan ramai yang berjaya dengan cemerlang tanpa menghadiri kelas tusyen.

Saya telah membaca lebih dari 20 buah buku mengenai motivasi dan cara cara belajar dengan berkesan, tiada satu pun yang menegaskan untuk berjaya dengan cemerlang mesti pergi tusyen. Saya juga telah menghadiri beberapa seminar dan kem tranformasi, jawapannya sama - tiada saranan atau galakkan untuk ke kelas tusyen jika ingin berjaya. Kesemuanya menggalakkan kita mesti berusaha sendiri.

Bukti paling jelas ialah kawan kawan saya menghadiri kelas tuisyen setiap hari sepanjang tahun tapi keputusan ujiannya kadang kala tidak dapat mengatasi pelajar pelajar yang tidak hadir kelas tusyen.

Tapi masih ramai yang percaya dan mungkin terpedaya dengan iklan agresif pusat pusat tusyen. Jangan salah faham, saya tetap menyokong dan menyertai kelas tusyen yang diadakan oleh guru kelas kerana bayarannya murah dan mungkin kadang kala diberi percuma. Kepada kawan kawan yang tidak menghadiri kelas tusyen dan berminat untuk mengetahui sistem belajar yang berkesan, saya sedia berkongsi pengalaman pribadi saya.

Saya dikatakan seorang pelajar sederhana (mendapat nombor 80 dari 203 orang murid). Sistem yang telah saya gunapakai telah berjaya menjadikan saya di antara 10 pelajar terbaik. Semuanya lakukan tanpa tusyen dan saya amat bersyukur kerana tidak perlu membazir masa, tenaga dan wang.


Skor 'A' Tanpa Tuisyen

Kini dunia dilanda tsunami ekonomi. Jimatkan perbelanjaan pendidikan anak anda.Tidak Perlu Membazirkan Masa, Tenaga Dan Wang Ke Kelas Tusyen.

Jangan biarkan nasib anak anda ditentukan PUSAT TUSYEN. Anda mampu mengubahnya.



Program Terkini

13hb. - 5hb. Mac 2010
Hotel Renaissance.
9.00 pagi – 6.00 Malam
Hubungi: Alia 017-989 0055, Abdullah 016-929 8585 / untuk maklumat lanjut.


Kandungan Program / Contents of Program

- Program Rules
- Successful Life Principles
- Leader’s Live Values
- Ultimate Success Formula
- 10 Step Study Formula

- Neuron & Neuro-connections
- Left & Right Brain Theory

- Exercises

- Why make Notes?
- Different Types of The Whole Brain Notes

- Eye Span & Eye Pause
- Reading Exercises

- Super Memory

- What is SMMART Goal?
- Blueprint for Your Life & Malaysian Education
- List of Colleges and Universities in Malaysia

- How to make use of your time effectively
- Planners

- Thoughts, Word & Physiology
- Winner’s Mindset
- The Power of Choice

REFLECTIONS (Day 1 to Day 4)
Through interaction and questions and answers that will enable more active other related subjects will be touched in this program. So, the subject will be discussed not only limited to the matters listed above only.


Learning Techniques / Teknik Belajar

There are no tricks and no gimmicks. What you'll discover are practical, easy to use learning techniques help you get the most from your studying and show you how to get the best grades possible.

You can use the same study techniques I used to get my first class honours degree and then went on to coach other students to success with.

Using these learning techniques you will:

Tidak ada trik dan tidak ada gimik. Anda akan menemukan apa yang praktikal, mudah untuk menggunakan teknik-teknik belajar membantu anda memperoleh hasil maksimum dari belajar anda dan menunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana untuk mendapatkan nilai terbaik mungkin.

Anda boleh menggunakan
teknik belajar yang sama saya gunakan untuk mendapatkan gelaran kehormatan kelas pertama dan kemudian meneruskan untuk melatih pelajar lain untuk berjaya bersama.

Dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik belajar ini anda akan:

Learn how to take lecture notes.
Pelajari cara untuk mengambil nota di dalam kelas.
Write properly structured essays for top grades.
Menulis struktur esei dengan baik untuk gred tertinggi.
Learn how to carry out research for your coursework.
Pelajari cara melakukan kajian untuk subjek atau kursus anda.
Revise more effectively for exams.
Membuat semakan lebih berkesan untuk ujian.
Use memory techniques to absorb and recall information.
Menggunakan teknik memori untuk menyerap dan mengingat maklumat.
Uncover the secrets of how to sit an exam.
Menyingkap rahsia cara duduk ujian.
Give examiners exactly what they want by understanding what questions are really asking you.
Memberikan pemeriksa persis apa yang mereka inginkan dengan memahami soalan apa sebenarnya yang meminta anda.
Know how to properly structure essay and exam answers.
Tahu bagaimana menstruktur esei yang baik dan jawapan peperiksaan.
Feel less stressed by being more organised.
Merasa kurang tertekan dengan menjadi lebih teratur.
Discover how to study effectively in higher education.
Temukan bagaimana belajar secara berkesan dalam pendidikan tinggi.


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