Accelerated Learning Methodology

How to Teach With Accelerated Learning Methodology

By Blue GaiaeHow Contributing Writer
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Teach With Accelerated Learning Methodology
Teach With Accelerated Learning Methodology
Accelerated Learning (AL) is a learning methodology that engages the whole brain. Based on balance between the right (creative, holistic) and left (rational, linear) hemispheres of the brain, AL brings learning in multiple forms. Drama, music, visual stimulation and play are primary techniques that learners experience in an AL class environment. Learning, according to AL methodology, occurs more rapidly and with greater retention than more traditional learning techniques. Accelerated Learning is out-of-the-box, which is where the most effective learning occurs.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Things You'll Need:

  • Colorful images for walls
  • Music
  1. Step1
    Create a dynamic learning environment. Using any learning content, make the "classroom" a place that engages learners with color, music, subtle aromas and warm lighting. Present information with brightly colored posters, provide music that is conducive to learning. Baroque music is recognized for its ability to enhance the brain's assimilation of knowledge.
  2. Step2
    Play to learn. Games energize students. Games that are geared toward course content, learners bring their whole brains to the learning experience. What games should you play in the classroom? Any game can be adapted to learning. Obvious choices are Password and Jeopardy. But more active games are especially effective and, above all, fun. Fun and safety are key components in an Accelerated Learning experience. Get up and move around. Play tag or create your own game and give it a fun and relevant name. It's an open playing field with AL.
  3. Step3
    Take your students way, way off Broadway. Drama is a particularly effective tool for engaging the whole brain and the whole person. Rather than rely upon memorization of dates and texts, perform material in a dramatic setting. Allow learners to create scripts and to direct and perform material in novel ways.
  4. Step4
    Take it outside. Allow Nature to assist you as you in the learning experience. Certainly, there are opportunities for play in the outdoors. Tag or other simple childhood games lighten learning's burden and create solid and effective learning experiences.
  5. Step5
    Eat, drink and be merry. Provide regular breaks and food and drink that promote brain health. Break time can encourage camaraderie, an element of the AL experience. Lay out fruits and whole grain muffins. Provide juice, teas and coffee. Another approach is to schedule a feast. If you teach Spanish, for example, have a pot luck of Spanish foods, during which everyone speaks only Spanish.

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